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Stitched Tpb 001
19,99 EUR
US-Preisempfehlung: $ 19,99
inkl. 7 % MwSt. zzgl. Versandkosten
Serienstart: 2012
Autor/Zeichner: Garth Ennis, Mike Wolfer, Mike Wolfer
Sprache: Englisch
Format: Tradepaperback (Softcover)
Zustand: Neuware
Verlag/HerstellerAvatar Press

Critically acclaimed graphic novelist Garth Ennis and Mike Wolfer unleash an all-new kind of horror as they rip the horrors of war right from today's headlines and thrust it beyond the boundaries of sanity. Three American soldiers, the survivors of a helicopter crash in Afghanistan, struggle across the Taliban-controlled mountains. Injured and lacking food, water, and medicine, they discover something far worse than enemy fighters among the sun-bleached rocks: an ancient supernatural power, murderous and unstoppable. Despite a timely rescue by a handful of British S.A.S. commandos, they're still hopelessly outnumbered by the shambling, ragged undead and the evil human intelligence that controls them.


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